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The Future of Common Good

A World of Three Zero

                                                         - 諾貝爾和平獎得主 穆罕默德‧尤努斯博士

孟加拉經濟學者-穆罕默德‧尤努斯(Muhammad Yunus)博士,在2006年與他一手創立的『窮人銀行(格萊珉銀行/Grameen Bank) 』共同獲得諾貝爾和平獎因而善名遠播。格萊珉銀行開辦微型貸款,把數額不大的貸款,借給拿不出任何抵押品的窮人,讓他們有一筆周轉資金,可以慢慢地靠自己的力量脫離貧困。尤努斯這套格萊珉信託運作模式的成功,影響世界各地建立微型金融機構,已有超過六千萬以上的窮人使用過微型信貸。


Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi economist who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for founding the Grameen Bank and pioneering the concepts of microcredit and microfinance. Grameen Bank is a microfinance organisation and community development bank founded in Bangladesh. It makes small loans to the impoverished without requiring collateral. Grameen trust has affected any society around the world ro build micro financial institutions, benefit more than 60 millions poor people.



Grameen Bank is a representation of social business, offering them humanistic care, without requiring any collateral for each lender, nor does it intend to take any unpaid lenders to court. There is no need for relying on charity or the support of government, but the poor can still get rid of poverty by the appropriate financial services which formed by the system of division of labor.


All walks of life in Taiwan have spared no effort in promoting social enterprises. However, will social enterprises become social welfare groups that have only changed their names? How to assist social enterprises or Yunus Social Business to become independent units without relying on the financial assistance from government? It is our goal to achive and also what we concern about; while studying international experience, we also take the roots in Taiwan, and make people understand the link between the current economic trend and social welfare, and the profit generate forem social business aims to solve human problem, improve facilities, preserve gender equality and protect the environment and the resource on our planet, also allows every partner to enjoy their work.

敬邀  孟加拉格萊珉信託總經理Tasmina  Rahman代表尤努斯博士出席本次論壇進行專題演講,為台灣人民帶來最新最有用、讓人民幸福有感的經濟模式實例,啟動做企業、解決社會問題,又同時做公益的善經濟時代!

Tasmina Rahman, General Manager of Graeme Trust, is invited to represent Dr. Yunus at the forum to give a keynote addresses and share the latest and most useful examples of economic models for starting doing business and solving social problems. 



Local and international government units or academic representatives who are committed to promoting social innovation and social enterprise are invited to attend the forum to discuss the current situation of Taiwan and relevant government policies or action plans.

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