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Economy for Common Good

Social Business, the Happiness Business

                                                          - 諾貝爾和平獎得主 穆罕默德‧尤努斯博士

“There are two kinds of businesses in the world, one is a business which makes money, and the other solves the problems of the world.”

― Muhammad Yunus



Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan, the only foundation named by Yunus, is the INGO authorized by Dr. Yunus. Based in Taiwan for promoting “A World of Three Zeros: The New Economics of Zero Poverty, Zero Unemployment, and Zero Net Carbon Emissions”, Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan is established to impact the Chinese and other communities to respect for the gender and other ethnic groups, also protect the environment; therefore, to build an even distribution of wealth.

社會型企業是為了解決社會問題而成立  ✔
社會型企業追求財務自立,以企業永續模式解決社會問題  ✔
社會型企業投資人可以在企業獨立之後拿回本金轉助其他需要幫助的人  ✔
社會型企業自主獲得的利潤可用於解決更多問題、改善設備  ✔
社會型企業堅持男女性別平權、尊重保護環境及地球資源  ✔
社會型企業保障員工福利及薪資、友善工作環境  ✔
社會型企業讓每個加入的夥伴樂在工作  ✔

Social business with a social mission at its core, 100% dedicated to solving human problems ✔
 A Social Business generates profit and aims to be financially self-sustaining.  ✔
Removing the need for fundraising allows social businesses to reinvest profits back into generating impact and help more people. ✔
The profit earned by social business can be used for solving more problems and improving facilities. ✔
Social business preserve gender equality and protect the environment and the resource on our planet. ✔ 
Social business protect the welfare of employees and provide a friendly-work environment.  ✔
The social business allows every partner to enjoy their work.  ✔




There are many NGOs in Taiwan, which proofs the kind-heart of the Taiwanese people. Therefore, Dr. Yunus also recognize the capacity of Taiwan of developing social business with new economic model. In the future, the social business can solve the poverty, unemployment and carbon emissions problems, therefore to complete the mission of “A World of Three Zeros”.


We invite government officials, the director of the foundation, the General Manager of Grameen Trust, and also we will hold a video conference with Dr. Yunus to discuss the help of social business toward “A World of Three Zeros”. 

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